Ketone Meter


NovaVet provides accurate, quantitative results for the early detection of subclinical ketosis in dairy cattle and diabetic ketoacidosis in companion animals.


  • Ready to use, disposable biosensor
  • No calibration required
  • Simple test procedure in the field
  • Accurate blood ketone results in 10 seconds
  • Small sample volume
  • Stores 400 results
  • Corrects for HCT
  • Eliminates interfering substances
  • Large results display is easy to read in darkened setting
  • Meter non-volatile memory stores up to 400 test results
  • Two levels of quality control check solutions provide verification of meter accuracy
  • Rugged carrying case provides convenient transport and storage of the meter, glucose and ketone test strips and quality control solutions
  • Corrects result for HCT
  • Eliminate interfering substances
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SKU: VWD1620 Category:

Simple Test Procedure in the Field

  1. A very small drop of blood is obtained from the tail vein using a 20 or 22 gauge needle and vacuum tube
  2. A pre-calibrated biosensor is inserted into the meter. No calibration coding step is required for the meter or the biosensor
  3. A tiny drop of blood (0.8 microliters) is added to the end of the strip. BHBA results are ready in 10 seconds

Early Detection of Subclinical Ketosis Can Prevent Economic Loss

Subclinical ketosis is defined as abnormal concentrations of circulating ketones (primarily beta-hydroxybutyrate) in the absence of clinical signs of ketosis. Early detection of ketosis in its subclinical stage enables introduction of feeding strategies to prevent clinical ketosis, cow malaise and economic loss to the dairy producer.

Clinical Ketosis in Early Lactation Dairy Cattle – Economic Loss to Dairy Farmers

The transition of dairy cows through calving and commencement of lactation is a critical time and is a strong determinant of the health and performance of the cow through the full lactation period. All transition cows are at risk of clinical ketosis, characterised by partial anorexia, poor appetite and signs of nervous dysfunction including abnormal licking, poor coordination and abnormal gait and bellowing. Clinical ketosis causes economic loss to the dairy farmer due to:

  • Decreased milk production, poor milk quality
  • Mastitis, risk of displaced abonasum
  • Metritis, impaired fertility
  • Increased herd removals and treatment costs

Optimise Herd Management

NovaVet provides simple, accurate and economical detection of ketosis in a herd. Herd management is improved when compared to relying on the dairy producer’s subjective perception of clinical signs of ketosis, or less sensitive and specific milk urine ketone tests. Herd management benefits of NovaVet BHBA testing include:

  • Early identification and monitoring of changes in transition cow performance
  • Protection of herd milk production and quality
  • Quantification of herd prevalence of ketosis
  • Avoidance of treatment costs for clinical ketosis
  • Monitoring and management of herd feeding program
  • Protection of herd reproductive performance
  • Reduction in herd culling rates

Test Individual At-Risk Cattle

NovaVet BHBA testing can be targeted for potential problem or high-risk cows. Individual testing of at risk cows can identify ketosis early in the disease process so that more severe clinical disease can be avoided with clinical intervention.

All Starter Kits include an Xpress Meter, Soft Case, 25 Strips and a QC